May 24Liked by Val Saksornchai

Bonjour Val,

As i have to go for a scary blood draw tomorrow ( at least for me) your piece reminds me a childhood memory.

When i was about five years old a nurse came into the house family for making to myself an injection probably a vaccin. I remember my fear was so high that i can help but frantically running to try to escape the "villain" nurse but no way and i ended up fainting.

My mum to comfort me bought me a pastry i am not sure maybe it was a "pain au chocolat". A simple act but she found this day something to kind of protect me.

Tomorrow even though i am an adult it will be the same i know i am going to inescapably faint but i will treat myself a pastry to rediscover this sort of comfort.

Am i always a child ? If yes i am happy to be one !

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That is such a sweet memory. Thank you for sharing Stéphane! Sending my warmest wishes and hope everything goes well tomorrow! And enjoy that pain au chocolat!

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May 24Liked by Val Saksornchai

I often worry that I'm going to loose memories I'm very fond of, I get annoyed when I realise some directions and street names in London are fading away. I find myself speaking with people I used to be close to when I was young and they remember our chats. I don't. I have chunks of my life I simply don't remember, including big parts of relationships. I really need to start writing it all down more often!

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May 24·edited May 24Author

I suffer from the same predicament! More often than not I'll have no idea what an old friend's talking about when they bring up a detail from earlier in my life. I also struggle to remember details of friends' current lives even though I always make an effort to! I know I shouldn't but it still makes me feel like a bad friend, like I don't care enough to remember. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Gilda!

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May 24Liked by Val Saksornchai

Very beautifully written, Val. I wish I came across your newsletter sooner!

I, too, ponder about memories often.

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Thank you Darathtey for your kind words! Glad you enjoyed it. Would you say those are happy ponderings? Memories normally put a smile on my face. Even "bad" ones because thinking about them makes me realise how they've helped me grow.

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