Aug 25, 2023Liked by Val Saksornchai

"Each time this happens, I have to fight with my desire to be liked, push through the discomfort, so I can hit “send” on that two-liner that I’ve been re-writing for forty minutes.

I have to repeatedly tell myself: Yes, they may get angry. But that’s OK. This needs to be said, and all I can do is say it in the best way I can."

Yes. One of the biggest growth points over the last few years is 'If it bugs me, I should say something, even if that leads to temporary tension." Means I get to be way more me, we get to actually talk about the issues, and my relationships are in a much better place for long-term success because we deal with the short-term problems.

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100% yes! It's scary, but if you never bring it up, it just simmers at the back of your mind and diminishes the quality of that relationship over the long term. Well done us!

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