Bonjour Val,

I think i do not read your letters as others readers did because english do not belong to my mother tongue, i am like a stranger here but i am curious like a child and very focused when reading you. I noticed every once in a while your writing is fluid, smooth and other times i have to pay a lot more attention. Obviously you want to make it always better but do not forget that's also about happiness, joy, healing, creativity, freedom, and connection that's do not match with perfection.. I'll be curious if one day you decide to write as you talk it could be a good one..to finish your writing make me think afterwards which is also the main goal and i try to think in english. Let me know if you're searching new topics i can suggest you others.

Whish you a wonderful day !

PS: i have just reread one time my review😉

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"Perfection is the enemy of progress" springs to mind!

To answer your question: when it comes to writing, no, I don't think it would ever be finished! Improvements, or at the very least changes, can always be made.

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