Thank you for sharing this highly personal story, Val.

Sometimes, I feel that words fail to describe how I am being and feeling. Like you said, there are many nuances and complexities in how we are. To truly answer the question "how are you?", would require more than three words. We would all be a lot more connected if we're able to feel safe in a space to share the depths of our feelings and beings.

On that note, I'm embracing the flow of life and trying to let myself go along with the uncertainties/possibilities of life. Some moments, I feel confident and bold in my values and vision to craft my own career. Some moments, I feel so anxious and fearful, worried whether I am doing enough in all aspects of life. I'm learning to balance these thoughts and stay grounded in love and trust. Not easy, but a good practice!

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Fair, thank you so much for answering my question! And I thoroughly agree that we'd be a lot more connected if we would feel safe to share more of who we are/what we're loving/what we're struggling with/what motivates us/etc. in response to the question: How are you?

I'm sending you lots of encouragement and wishing you the best in whatever endeavours you undertake. From our past interactions, I know for a certainty that whatever you decide to do, it will be for the right reasons. I wish you the best of luck, and let's catch up sometime when I'm back so I can give you a hug and hear all about your efforts.

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