I think so much of it comes down to blind enthusiasm! I know that the Venn diagram of moments when I’ve missed a ton of red flags and moments when I’ve had unbridled enthusiasm and hope about something is pretty much a circle. When we set our expectations really high (based on proven evidence or because of our need for something to work), I think those red flags can be flapping in our face and we’ll still call them lovely scarves and throw ‘em around our necks.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Val Saksornchai

Unfortunately blinding oneself is a very common problem, we all do it... I have written 2 blogs on this subject. The first examines cost of holding beliefs, and how they prevent you from seeing reality as it is....


The second discusses the defense mechanisms for countering "Cognitive dissonance" which is the blindness gap you get when holding a belief which runs counter to reality. Check them out if you get a chance, maybe they will help..


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