Oct 19, 2023Liked by Val Saksornchai

It has become much more common in the US, where I am from, to better plan for and share your wishes around your eventual mortality. On my last trip back, after dinner my parents sat my sister, me, and our spouses down to review their latest will at medical advance directives, which set out what sort of life-extending measures they do or do not want and in what sorts of circumstances.

All-told, it helps to have a clearer idea of the ideal and expectations, although I suppose none of us can really predict the circumstances as well as we would like.

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That sounds amazing, Chris. (Not the eventual death, but the preparation) I wish this were a more common practice in Thailand. It would really help to be able to have this conversation with my parents, but my dad just looked uncomfortable when I brought it up. I wonder if it's because it's difficult to separate "I want to prepare for your death" from "I want you to die", which are two very different things but I can see how a parent could mistake one for the other.

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