May 10Liked by Val Saksornchai

Bonjour Val,

I will let you know i am not dead 🙂 yeap it' s been some newsletters i have not let you a comment but i am still enjoying reading your newsletters. I have to confess this one was high level at least for me. I have to reread it several times to be sure to fully grasp it.

I definitely share your fear. I am always worring about my daughter. What if she does not come back to home, meet a bad person, have an accident, does not answer my message and so on.. I think making up these worst case scenario just mean it is our own personal way to show affection for a dear person.

Have you started your first book's pages? I hope! Let me know.

Whish you a good day.

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Bonjour Stephane! It's lovely to hear from you as always. It must be particularly difficult to not worry about your child! Not having a kid myself, I really can't imagine how it feels. I already worry enough with my partner and parents.

As for the book, I have a couple of chapters written but have had no time to work on it this year. I've got a lot of feedback from beta readers (Katie is one of them!) to implement, but work has been crazy. I really should make time for the book though!

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May 10Liked by Val Saksornchai

That's hilarious, but I can imagine how distressing it can be. With my SO I would wonder what's happening because he's usually very responsive, but I don't jump to negative conclusions first. With the rest of the world, I might have the opposite problem: if someone doesn't reply I tend to forget and let it go - like, if they are dead, I would be completely oblivious to it till I decide maybe it's time to chase them up and see if they are OK. I learned from my parents, who sometimes don't call me for weeks, despite the distance!

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My parents I think are the polar opposite to yours! And I probably learnt from them. 🥹 Once I went to meet a friend in town and my dad was picking me up in the car. He called me when he arrived early at the mall (where I was having dinner with the friend) and I didn't pick up (I always have my phone on plane mode) and he freaked out. When I switched on my phone after my dinner, I had so many missed calls from him. I had to have a talk with him after about how I don't look at my phone when I'm in company and that there's nothing to worry about!

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May 10Liked by Val Saksornchai

Thanks for sharing. I don’t automatically think of death as the explanation for everyone but when I am unable to get hold of Tawn, the worry crosses my mind that something has happened to him.

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Thanks for sharing Chris! It's interesting how our mind always goes first to the worst case scenario doesn't it. I guess it means we deeply care.

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