Sep 13Liked by Val Saksornchai

Voicing the reasons why we made certain choices are, of course, stories. And maybe there is a reason why we need that story VS another. Maybe it's not fragile, but it's what saves us from fragility, the constant uncertainty of whether we are doing the right thing. But if the "what ifs" are stories that actually did not happen, why do we need them disturbing the peace of mind we get from our choices (if they are truly our own and deliberate)?

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Thanks Gilda for responding! Now I'd like to write a thoughtful reply but my brain has been maxed out for the day. So I will keep it short and sweet and say, once again, thank you! Maybe this is a topic we can table for when we have coffee. ☕

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So you're saying we're not the sum total of our experiences, but instead, we're the sum total of what we think our experiences were?

Or rather, we're the sum total of our interpretation of our experiences?!

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I know. Is it not a massive mindf*ck! 🤯

To take it even further, what even *is* reality? Can we ever exist outside our own heads?

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